

1)    Trinocular Microscope with computer.

2)    Slide Projectors.

3)    Overhead Projectors.

4)    Computers  (2 with internet facility).

5)    Laptop.

6)    LCD.

7)    Printer, scanner, xerox & fax machine.

8)    Collar mikes.

9)    Screens.

10) X-ray viewing boxes.

11) Students’ Microscopes-100.

12) Histology slide cabinets 3  ( 1 steel, 2 wooden).

13) Rotary Microtomes –2.

14) Knife holders & Knives.

15) Body cutting machine.

16) Body Lifting  machine.

17) Embalming equipment - 3 pumps.

18) Dissecting tables with drainage facilities.

19) Plastic, Sintex, Fibre, Steel, Cement tanks for body storage.

20) Instrument trolley – 3.

21) Deep Freezer.

22) Hand saw.



·         Size: Total - 202 sq.mts.

·         No. of Specimens -  219

·         Radiographs Total no. - 222 (displayed 58)

·         CT Scan & MRI Total no. - 16 (displayed 7)

·         Total no. of Models – 150

·         Charts/ Diagrams - 180

  • Articulated skeletons-7
  • Disarticulated skeletons -30
  • Bones displayed


Dissection Hall

·         Size    : 326

·         Capacity: 150 students

·         Storage Tanks: Number – 11(Full body) +18(Body parts)

·         Cooling cabinets with capacity: 8

·         No. of students allotted per cadaver : 10


Histology Lab

·         Size : 223

·         Capacity: 150 students

·         Seats available: 80

·         Histology Slides - 1775

·         Number of students to each Microscope: 1 : 1