Department of Anaesthesiology is the first department in this institution to get ISO9001:2000 certification in August 2008.
It caters to 16 clinical departments in 38 operation theatres and procedure rooms. It also provides services to 8 Intensive Care areas and resuscitation services to the whole hospital and in trauma ambulance.
The department has 17 M.D. (Anaesthesia) and 11 D.A. registrations per year approved by Medical Council of India.
The department has taken the initiative in starting the Cardio- Pulmonary-Cerebral Resuscitation (CPCR) workshop in 1996 and since is conducting regular workshops for medical and paramedical personnel from various places of India and has imparted training to more than 3000 delegates.
The department also conducts regular academic activities in form of CMEs, workshops and conferences.
Contact us: Department of Anaesthesiology,Room nos. 423-432, 4th Floor,College Building, L.T.M. Medical College & Gen. Hospital, Sion, Mumbai-400022
Phone: (91-22)24076381-Ext. 3262, 3256 (91-22)24022976 (Direct)
E: Mail: doasionhospital@yahoo.com